Scoring & Interpretation

1. For each question, the score is the number selected (1-5).

2. Calculate the average score for each section by summing the scores of all questions in the section and dividing by 5.

3. Calculate the overall maturity score by averaging the scores of all five sections.


Let me take this moment to congratulate you on successfully completing this self-assessment.

Your awareness and willingness to assess your current state is the first crucial step towards improvement.

Your Lean Six Sigma maturity score of 1-2 indicates that your organization is at the ‘Initial’ stage of Lean Six Sigma Maturity.  


In a nutshell, this indicates –

🔴 Lean Six Sigma efforts are largely ad-hoc and inconsistent.

🔴 There’s limited awareness about the profound impacts of Lean Six Sigma on Operational Excellence.

🔴There’s no structured approach to leverage the power of Lean Six Sigma. 

🔴 Resistance to change, lack of leadership support and no clear improvement methodology are major bottlenecks.

🟢 Practical strategies are needed to create a solid foundation for Lean Six Sigma in organizations.

🟢 Special focus on building Lean Six Sigma awareness, demonstrating its value, and creating basic infrastructure for its more advanced implementation in the future is needed.


… and while this score might seem discouraging, it is important to recognize that every organization starts somewhere.

Understanding and strategically advancing Lean Six Sigma Maturity is a game-changer for any organization.

Let me tell you something.

Before embracing a mature Lean Six Sigma approach, many organizations I’ve worked with were drowning in firefighting mode.

🔴 Managers spent their days putting out fires rather than preventing them.

🔴 Improvement initiatives would start with enthusiasm but fizzle out due to lack of sustaining mechanisms.

🔴 Employees were skeptical of “another program of the month.”

🔴 The CEO was frustrated and considering abandoning the whole Lean Six Sigma initiative.

➡️ The frustration was palpable, and the gap between current performance and world-class standards seemed insurmountable. 

… and more often than not, when we conducted a thorough maturity assessment, the insights were eye-opening.

We discovered that while organizations had the tools in place, they lacked the cultural foundation to make them truly effective. 

To be honest, every organization wants – 

✅ Streamlined processes that eliminate waste and boost productivity.

✅ A culture of continuous improvement where every employee is engaged and empowered.

✅ Dramatic reductions in defects and customer complaints.

✅ Increased agility to respond to market changes and customer demands.

✅ Sustainable cost savings that drop straight to the bottom line.

✅ A reputation as an industry leader in quality and efficiency.

But in an increasingly crowded market, just surface-level changes don’t cut.

As leaders, we need to take a holistic view, to ensure that all the pieces are in place for true transformation.

As promised,

I’d like to recommended to you my step-by-step actionable strategies to help you leapfrog to the next maturity level.

While I’m tempted to share everything in a free-flowing manner here, I feel this is not the most effective platform for a much more detailed exchange.

For this purpose, I’ve condensed all that I’d like to share with you in a small E Book, which will have –

1. Introduction

1.1  The hidden costs of low Lean Six Sigma maturity
1.2  Vision of operational excellence through mature Lean Six Sigma practices 
1.3  How this guide will transform your operations

2. Understanding Your Current State

2.1  What a 1-2 score means for your organization
2.2  Common challenges at this maturity level 
2.3  The urgent need for improvement   

3. Your Customized Roadmap to Lean Six Sigma Maturity

3.1 Establish Leadership Commitment
3.2 Develop Basic Awareness Training 
3.3 Identify and Document Key Processes 
3.4 Implement Basic Performance Metrics 
3.5 Launch Pilot Projects   

4. Practical Strategies and Tools

4.1 Executive Lean Six Sigma Workshop
4.2 Lean Six Sigma Awareness Campaign 
4.3 Process Mapping Initiative 
4.4 Basic Metrics Dashboard 
4.5 Quick Win Project   

5. Next Steps and Implementation Guide

6. Your Journey to Operational Excellence

Please download that E Book.

No obligation, but I think it’ll be helpful.

Feel free to liaise with me if you need help with something in that E Book or have any questions about it.

I’m always open to building meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships.

You’ll find more connected information in an email by my team.




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